brings women into Boardrooms and C-Suites.
We identify, train and place highly qualified Women Leaders to Boards and C-Suite positions and provide diversity hiring solutions for companies globally.
About Us
We address unconscious bias from the top and build a support system for women leaders. Our global virtual events advocate for diversity in the C-Suite and Boardroom and we connect qualified women leaders with companies wishing to diversify their leadership.
More About Us
Divershefy Club is a high level network of women who are in Boardrooms and C-Suites who support other women to get there plus Investors, Corporate Leaders and Board Members who open doors.
At our Events you can meet
Top Global Female Leaders, Board Members and Corporate Leaders


Special Invite Events

Certification Programs
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Director ProgramĀ
Divershefy identifies, trains and recommends highly qualified women leaders to Board of Directors positions in the global business community.Ā
Featured Candidates

Meeta Gangrade
Investor, Advisor focussed on Healthcare and Building product centric, scale ready organisations

Barbara Biehner
Assistant Clinical Professor, UNCW School of Health and Applied Human Sciences, College of Health and Human Services, Master of Health Administration- Formerly Director Of Operations at Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance

Cheryl Hayman FAICD FGIA
Non Executive Director | Remuneration Chair | Strategy & Innovation | Digital Tech | Global Marketing | Customer - Food, Agri, FMCG
What Global Women Leaders think about Divershefy

Maryann Bruce
"I was delighted to present at a couple of Divershefy events because they're always well-organized, have top-notch speakers, and the audience is made up of talented and inquisitive C-Suite leaders and Board members"

Foluke Michael
"It was such a great pleasure to join great women leaders and the
excellent team of Divershefy Club"

Hiroo Mirchandani
"I enjoyed sharing my views on the value of diversity on boards at a Divershefy event."
Featured Content

Investing in a
sustainable futureĀ
Umang Pathak

AI Content and
Yuying Che-Wynn

The Board Currency
is Trust
Helen Wiseman
Ecosystem Partners