Corporate Board Program

Divershefy identifies and recommends “Talented, Highly Qualified Female Independent Directors —D3’s” to Company Board of Directors anywhere in the Global Business Community.

Why choose Divershefy Distinguished Directors?

D3’s are prequalified “non-executive” directors and will immediately add value as Board Members, Board Chairs, and Committee Chairs. Divershefy provides ongoing training and mentoring while they are serving. The D3 Program helps create the right “open door” policies for the Corporate Board to allow more Women to achieve this level of Executive Leadership participation.

Below please view  introduction videos of the currently featured D3 Candidates. 

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How We Do It

How are we different from the large Executive Search Firms?

  • We select D3’s with personalities and skillsets matched to large company needs.
  • We use Board Training to enhance D3’s ability to provide Board and Company Leadership.
  • We help D3’s select 3+ year “paying opportunities” on as many as two Board’s at a time.
  • The D3 contract is multi-year and includes on-going training and mentoring.
  • D3’s pay it forward by giving a percentage of the Board Cash Compensation to maintain the D3 Program as “a Best Practices Model” for Boards.

Corporate Engagement

For Board Placement

  • Companies submit their requirements for the position
    via email to [email protected]
  • Divershefy schedules a follow up call to discuss the
    ideal candidate profile
  • Company signs the contract
    with Divershefy and starts vendor enrollment process
  • Divershefy reaches out to the already vetted D3
    candidates and introduces the candidates that
    match best via email to the company representative
  • Company reviews the profiles and when they are
    ready to interview candidates, they pay $950 per candidate they want to interview.
  • Divershefy sets up the candidate interviews.
  • When a candidate accepts the Board position,
    Divershefy is paid a success fee as agreed upon in the contract.
Contact Us

Corporate Sponsorship

To connect with D3 candidates

  • Access to growing pipeline of highly qualified women directors
  • Immediate notification when new D3 candidates become available to join a Board
  • Receive all updates on D3 training program with the ability to influence the future development of the program
  • Option to join the Corporate Partner Committee
  • Recognition as Ecosystem partner or Corporate Sponsor on website and events
  • Invitation to annual meeting
  • Speaker at the annual conference
  • D3 sponsors who have two D3 directors receive special recognition for ESG value
  • Corporate Sponsorship amount US $5,000 per year


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